This was a project I worked on during for a college class at Michigan State University, in the class MI 231. All art assets were created by myself, and the music is from the licensed owner, Firaxis, owned by 2k Games. Music used is from XCOM 2: Legacy Bundle Original Sound Track. (If music is not working properly, kindly disregard, as there were issues at the time of making this that may or may not have been sorted out by now.

The objective is to help the boy reach the end goal of each level by traversing jumps and vents to get to safety.  Use the arrow keys or WASD to move around, and press the space bar to jump. The boy also has a stun baton, which can be activated by pressing the Z key. Any enemy hit by the baton will be stunned for 5 seconds, then resume their patrol route.

There may be doors in your way. You'll need to collect a key to make it past them, which can be found around the map.

Be careful! Any enemy touch is game over, and some enemies can access the vents just like the player!

A note on moving around: sometimes, the player would get caught on geometry or some unseen object while running along the ground. I worked tirelessly with the tile mapping to see if there were any issues with different elevations or protruding pixels, but I could never find anything. To fix the issue, simply go the other way briefly, and then resume your original path. Jumping also seems to help prevent it.

The last level is a bit of a maze, where vents don't lead back and forth from where you came from, so I've left a guide on how to traverse the maze, and the correct order:

Each box has a hidden number, 1-12. The numbers start in the upper, that being the one above the player at start, and ascend in a back and forth pattern. The top boxes are odd, the bottom boxes are even. For example, the player starts in box two, the bottom left, and the end goal is in box 11, top right.  Each vent in the room is labeled either A or B: A is on the left, B is on the right. An A vent will always lead to a B vent, and a B vent will always lead to an A vent.

The sure-fire path to get to the exit is as follows: 2B, 3A, 1B, 5B, 10A, 12A, 9A, 8B. This means that yes, you will sometimes have to enter the same vent you just came out of to progress properly. There are other ways to get to the end, but this is the path that was pre determined and built the mechanics in mind.

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